Our cool sunglasses


Discover our collection of strong and cool sunglasses! Milo & Me sunglasses are available from 6 to 12 years in 5 models and super trendy colours. Every year we add new glasses in the latest trend colors! Do you want to know where to buy Milo & Me? 

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Noel Grey blue/Light grey blue

Noel Grey blue/Light grey blue


Art.nr: 1206732 Age: 6-9 years
Colour: Grey blue/Light grey blue

Grey (80 – 85 % tint), polarizing, with silver mirroring
Triacetate lenses, 100% UV protection

Glass width: 44 mm
Glass height: 38 mm
Nose width: 18 mm
Temple length: 130 mm
Weight: 16 g

Includes: case, microfibre pouch, headband (to be attached separately) and ear hooks (to be attached separately)
Product is toegevoegd.Ga naar de winkelwagen
Art.nr: 1206732

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